Webinar done - renewable energy sources in agriculture

Webinar done - renewable energy sources in agriculture

On October 11, 2023, we hosted a webinar on the topic of "Investing in Renewable Energy in the Agricultural Sector and the Possibility of (Co)Financing from EU Funds," which we organized in collaboration with MICROLINE d.o.o. and GREEN HQ - a knowledge center for green and digital transition under the patronage of SOLAREDGE.

The goal of the webinar was to inform potential investors (family farms, agricultural product and food producers), equipment suppliers, and installers about the upcoming EU calls for proposals: Intervention 73.03 - Use of renewable energy sources and Intervention 73.10 - Investments in primary agricultural production.

Over 80 interested participants from various sectors, including banking institutions, consultants, engineers, family farms, food and equipment producers, and installers, attended the webinar, highlighting the need for this type of professional discussion in the public domain.

The first presentation was delivered by Dr. Vlasta Zanki, a mechanical engineer from the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Zagreb, who provided a detailed overview of the importance of green transition and decarbonization. She also briefly introduced "Green HQ - the knowledge center for green and digital transition" as one of the co-founders.

Following that, Monika Kordić, the director of the consulting company Cordion Ltd and co-founder of the Green HQ knowledge center, presented the conditions of the announced calls for proposals, "Intervention 73.03 - Investments in the use of renewable energy" and "Intervention 73.10 - Investment support for primary agricultural production." Ms. Kordić not only identified the key eligibility criteria for projects but also specified what participants should pay the most attention to in the preparation and implementation of projects funded by EU funds. She also invited all stakeholders, including project designers, equipment suppliers, legislative bodies, financial institutions, and various professional associations, to collaborate in this process.

Mr. Henry Svilković from Microline delivered a presentation on the technical prerequisites and benefits of using renewable energy sources. With his extensive experience in the fields of energy and waste, he explained how to choose the highest quality and most secure technology for using renewable energy sources.

At the end, Igor Rešetar, the president of the Dairy Committee of the Croatian Chamber of Agriculture and the owner of a dairy cow farm, OPG Igor Rešetar, shared his experience with participants. He spoke about his decision to install solar panels on his farm five years ago and how he is proud of that decision today. He emphasized that the preparation process is now much simpler compared to the previous period, and he is prepared to make further investments to transition entirely to renewable energy sources.

We thank everyone for following us. We expect the regulations for the above-mentioned calls for proposals to be published in the national newspapers soon, after which the calls themselves will follow. We will keep you informed of any updates in a timely manner. In the meantime, we encourage you to start the process of preparing project technical documentation in advance.

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