Credit line for green and digital transition

Credit line for green and digital transition


Loan amount: EUR 100,000 – EUR 1,000,000 (max. EUR 500,000 for start-up entrepreneurs)

Interest rate: 0.4 - 0.8 % fixed

Repayment period: up to 15 years, including a grace period of up to 3 years

HBOR from the funds of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NPOO) implements the Financial Instrument of HBOR direct loans above EUR 100,000 for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

The period of implementation of the Program (the deadline for signing the loan agreement) is until the use of the available resources of the National Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, or until June 30, 2026 at the latest.

You can find all additional information at the following link.

Eligible applicants:

Micro, small and medium business entities of the private sector - trading companies, craftsmen, natural persons who perform their activities independently, family agricultural holdings (OPG) in the VAT system, cooperatives and institutions, which meet at least one of the following conditions:

  • beginner entrepreneurs
  • young entrepreneurs
  • women in entrepreneurship
  • entrepreneurs who invest in special areas of the Republic of Croatia (subsidized areas, hilly and mountainous areas, islands)
  • entrepreneurs who invest in the commercialization of projects based on research, development and innovation (RDI)

Purpose of the loan

Investments in fixed assets (tangible and intangible assets) with the aim of starting a business, modernizing the business, introducing new technologies, increasing capacity (including tourism), developing and introducing new products or services, digitizing business, investing in environmentally friendly production processes and resource efficiency , research and development, etc.

A maximum of 30% of the contracted amount of the loan can be used for working capital necessary for the implementation of investments and the growth of the loan beneficiary.

Investments must comply with the principle "Do No Significant Harm-DNSH".

Our team is at your disposal! We will check whether your project is acceptable, prepare a project application and be your support in the project implementation process.

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