Strengthening tourism to climate change

Strengthening tourism to climate change

Workshop „ Strengthing tourism on climate change “ organized the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, 7. December 2023 at the Hotel Sheraton, Zagreb, and via an online platform. 230 participants participated as part of the workshop, 43 live and 187 online

The workshop was based on the basis of the EU and national legal framework in the area of strengthening the resilience of the tourist public and private infrastructure on climate change and was intended for projects, project leaders, consultants and other experts from the area of architecture, construction and tourism-owned investors.

The goal of the workshop was to spread knowledge about the implementation of binding European guidelines on ways to prepare tourism infrastructure for climate change, which must be implemented throughout the entire life cycle of the project. The program part of the workshop consisted of a lecture and a practical part.

In the introductory part of the workshop, founders GREEN HQ - Monika Kordic, Master II level, Cordion consultancy; Snjezana Turalija, dipl.oec., Greenika business consulting, and Vlasta Zanki dipl. ing. MACHINE, GEOTECHNICUS UNIVERSITY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB PRESENTED Guidelines for preparing investment project proposals for co-financing and presented the results of the survey that showed interest in participants, but also the need for additional information on the subject of mitigation and adaptation of climate change

The workshop, World Cafe, titled „ Preparing the tourist infrastructure to adapt to climate change “, was held under the leadership of Sunčana Rapaić,, de Architekten Cie. and Snježana Turaelijaa, dipl. oec., Greenika business consulting.


Among table hosts were founders of Knowladge hup GREEN HQ Vlasta Zanki ; Monika Kordic, Vedrana Likan, as well as Dr. Sc. Mira Zovko, senior advisor at the Sector for special forms of tourism and analytics, innovations and sustainable tourism; Sanja Grgurić mag. phys. et geophys., MSc, PMP, GGekom - geofizikalno i ekološko modeliranje d.o.o.; Tea Horvat, Log – urbis d.o.o. ; Margareta Zidar,, Energy institute Hrvoja Pozar and Tanja Težak,, Vita project d.o.o.

Workshops interact with table hosts explored and exchanged ideas on 7 topics - EU taxonomy and regulations, circular economics, spatial arrangement, construction, preparation of project for financing and sharing, investments and sources of financing and climatic confirmation.

At the end of the workshop, presentations of 7 World Cafe topics were held, which indicated the need for education and creation of innovative paths in the implementation of solutions. A summary of the presentations is shown on the poster: MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGES.


Lectures and workshops, and you can find the presentations at link.

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